He was an Englishman Abroad, She was four foot of teddybear heaven, together they shared a timeless love. "The best thing to happen since Scott and Charlene tied the knot" - Teddybear Times.
A deep psychological yearn to be needed finally rises to the surface when this disturbed young man seek the comfort of a stuffed moose. please donate money to make him better.
I'm a little scared.
Here's what happens when Orcas go bad. Be simultaneously amazed by the stupidity of the people who got too close for comfort, and horrified by the behaviour of Orca owners whose lack of care brought out the worst in their animals.
Now where's that Goldielocks girl!!.
£20 on the hairy one.
My that is a big moose you have there.
Pantomime Stalwort Adem doesn't fall for the 'He's behind you trick'.
Does this man have no fear?
Oh My God!!!.....I couldn't sit down for a week!
Me and my mate 'Brian'.....we fell out soon after....I'd rather not talk about it.....bastard!
Here's me, my sister Vas, and our Moose in a hat.....in an off licence....those unscupulous off-licence owners, they'll do anything to bring in the kiddies!!!